Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The clock is winding down, as we start to approach the 1 week mark before the big day. Just yesterday, I packed up my bike along with some additional gear and shipped it off to Florida. While I am super excited about my big day coming up, it's been a pretty tough past week for me. On Saturday, I did a metric century ride(66 miles), my last very long ride of my training program. I guess there was a cold bug lying in wait for my immune system to weaken, as beginning on Sunday I was pretty much out of commmission the past 4 days. My mentor told me not to worry, and that whatever fitness I've built is still intact. I guess the only way I'll truly know will be on November 7th.

The bigger news since my last post, was that Team Abisia completed the 2009 Nike Women's Marathon last Sunday, Oct. 18th! Jo, Jackie, Mom, Caroline, Sal and Marvin got up at the crack of dawn that day and finished what we set out to do. Earlier in the week, we went to the city to receive our race number packets and check out the Expo tent.


Sunday was the big race day, and we totally enjoyed the experience. It was such a proud day for all of us, as we did this event as a family. Jackie, Mom, Sal, and Lye each did 13.1 miles that day. I was so proud of them for their achievement...especially Mom, who at 58, would never have believed it herself that she could complete a half marathon!

Not to be outdone, Jo had a few tricks up her sleeve as well! A culmination of 16 weeks of training, this event was one of Jo's dream goals as for the first time she completed a full 26.2-mile marathon! This was one of the proudest moments I've had of Jo, and now that she has accomplished what she set out to do, I just know that there is no mountain too high, no river to wide, no goal too audacious for her to achieve when she sets her mind to it.

Way to go everyone! You did it !!!


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Team Abisia Still Hiring

Happy Fall Season everyone! Lots of exciting things happen in the fall...leaves turn a nice shade of orange, weather cools down from scorching summer, we get to set clocks back for one hour of extra shuteye...and oh yeah...two big events you might not have heard about :-)

The Nike Marathon

Ironman Florida

So aside from my usual menu of pain this past weekend (80 miles on my bike and a 13 mile run), more exciting things have developed in my family's road to our first Nike Marathon together. You might recall that we added two new people a couple of months back to make it a foursome.

Well, guess what? On Sunday, Team Abisia multiplied yet again! We added two more family members to our team...our cousin Caroline and her husband Sal!

Welcome aboard the marathon train Sal and Caroline!

Caroline and her daughter Camren joined up with us for our weekly training with the Nike folks on Sunday, and while it was a very chilly morning that day, it eventually warmed up to a nice low seventies, and the team ended up doing a good 8 miles of running and jog-walking. I'm so proud of this team and how much it has developed over the last 3 months. A few pictures from the weekend: