Tuesday, September 29, 2009

All for One and One for All

7 weeks counting down to Ironman (3 weeks to the Nike Marathon), and this past Saturday was a race day. I joined forces with my sister Jackie, and my friend Jenny, as we tackled the Clif Bar Team Triathlon Challenge. This pure relay event was sprint distance, and held in Granite Bay near Roseville, CA. A fun time was had by all, as we got to the finish line by sharing the "duties" that would normally be completed by a single athlete. And all that, despite some nasty triple-digit temperatures. Way to go Team WTF (Where' The Food?) !!!

The video below tells the story of our day. Enjoy!


Thursday, September 24, 2009

100 Miles and Runnin'

Last weekend was my first century I've ever done. It was a training ride, lasted just over 6 hours and had me feeling so trashed afterwards that I had to really muster up all my energy to do my run workout the next day. Speaking of which, Jo scored another PR with an 18-mile run....while I put in a slightly inferior 16.5 miles that day. Good excuse though, since I rode my bike across damn near the entire East Bay Hills:
View Interactive Map on MapMyRide.com
As Mr. West said "Whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger...". This is so true. Tomorrow I will ride approximately 70 miles, and I have a feeling that my body will feel like it's an easy breezy workout, now that it has experienced the full toll that a century ride exacts upon it.

In other news, while my "A" races for the year were Ironman California 70.3(half-iron distance), and the upcoming Ironman Florida(full iron distance), I've also decided to participate in a team event as a "training race". This Saturday, my sister Jackie and friend Jenny will be teaming up as Team WTF in the Clif Bar Team Triathlon Challenge. It's a relay race, so we split the triathlon duties three ways. More to come regarding the event as it unfolds. Wish us luck!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Rain, rain, go away...if you don't, I'll still train today!

Last weekend was my heaviest workload to date. Saturday, I rode a 72-mile bike ride across damn near the entire East Bay I-680 corridor. I nearly cancelled my workout due to the rain and thunder we were having, but seeing that it was not raining cats and dogs, and knowing that weather-wise, anything can happen on a race day...I decided to suck it up and ride out the storm.

View Interactive Map on MapMyRide.com
My Bike Route: http://www.mapmyride.com/route//ca/dublin/299125306017449033

It was a great decision, as the rain cleared up after the first two hours of the ride, and so I was left with 2.5 hours of sunny, yet cool weather. For good measure I ran for another hour(5.5-miles) immediately after the ride.

Sunday was Nike day as usual, whereby I overlap my ironman training with Nike, since I am also running that race as a training event.

For Team Abisia, it was another big hit as old distance records fell and new PRs(personal records) were set!




Old PR:

14 miles

10 miles

10 miles

New PR:

16 miles

12 miles

11.25 miles

And of course, a hard day's work deserves a FREE massage. One of the benefits of attending a Nike run training event, which is also free of charge! (in case you were thinking of joining us for one of these Sunday parties) hehehe.

Pictures and videos from Nike training Sep 13 For your viewing pleasure:




Way to go ladies! Your training is spot on and you're definitely gonna rock at Nike. Stay on track, keep up the great work, and make sure you commit to your nutrition and your recovery/rest just as seriously as you take your run workouts. There's no stopping you now!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Checkpoint Races for Team Abisia Training for Nike

Last weekend, Labor Day Weekend to be exact, featured my usual long days of training on both the bike and the run. The big news for the weekend was a checkpoint race for a couple of "Team Abisia" runners who are training to complete their first Nike Marathon. Jo and Jackie both ran the UC Davis Golden Harriers 10K as a tune-up as Nike is a mere 6 weeks away. They both did great, and will definitely make a strong showing in October. Way to go ladies!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Not Your Typical Training Weekend

I'm 10 weeks out from the big day, and while my training has been going steady (no injuries...yay!).... I felt such that this past weekend was such a big deal that it bears mentioning in some detail. I did my usual routine of a long ride on Saturday, with a short swim and short run on each end of it. This time I rode from Dublin to Pinole, as Jo and I had a friend's lunch party to attend there right after.

Link: http://www.mapmyride.com/ride/united-states/ca/dublin/933125120799628197

By now everyone knows Jo also has a big goal this year of completing the Nike Women's Full Marathon in October. By all measures, she is definitely on track to complete this monumental achievement. This past Sunday morning, she ran her longest distance yet....14 miles....a personal best !!! I am so proud of her, and I just know that she's going to totally amaze all of us on race day.

Also...something new developed over the summer that is truly amazing and truly inspirational. Somewhere between racing at Ironman California 70.3 and today, our family racing team grew 100%. That's right folks, Team Marv.n.Jo is now Team Abisia as far as the Nike Marathon is concerned. Call it a spark, call it serendipitous inspiration, whatever it is....my sister and my MOTHER have each decided to register and participate in the 13.1 mile half marathon at Nike! The truly amazing thing? Mom did 10 miles this past Sunday. Now I know where I get my endurance genes from ! Way to go Mom and Jackie!
